I owned a business last year (just sold), that sold arrows and produced a hunting TV show. This is my first year of business, I have been using Visma and think I have everything sorted, but I do have a few questions and would like you to look over everything to make sure its correct. This year I have a company that takes people hunting around Europe, so a travel company and I also have the hunting TV show, this I will need continued help with.
Önskar hjälp med: Löpande bokföring, Årsbokslut, Skatterådgivning/deklaration
Bolagstyp uppdraget gäller: Enskild firma
Typ av verksamhet: Resor/fritid
Omsättning för den verksamhet som ska bokföras: Mindre än 250 tkr
Typ av uppdrag: Möjligtvis början på ett längre uppdrag
I owned a business last year (just sold), that sold arrows and produced a hunting TV show. This is my first year of business, I have been using Visma and think I have everything sorted, but I do have a few questions and would like you to look over everything to make sure its correct. This year I have a company that takes people hunting around Europe, so a travel company and I also have the hunting TV show, this I will need continued help with.
Önskar hjälp med: Löpande bokföring, Årsbokslut, Skatterådgivning/deklaration
Bolagstyp uppdraget gäller: Enskild firma
Typ av verksamhet: Resor/fritid
Omsättning för den verksamhet som ska bokföras: Mindre än 250 tkr
Typ av uppdrag: Möjligtvis början på ett längre uppdrag
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