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DeskHero > Förfrågningar > Bokföringshjälp – ny EF inom handel i Stockholm (oms: < 250 tkr)

Bokföringshjälp – ny EF inom handel i Stockholm (oms: < 250 tkr)

BeskrivningProjekt ID: 907003
Hej, I will start trade warm fluid chocolate for the cafes in Stockholm, so I have borrowed some money.
I will buy the product from another country, I will have some cost and will receive payments, I already invested on gadgets for the promotion of the business.
I use F-tax, payment every three months. So I need that all documents are going in the right order and I would like to be advised how to do it because is my first time by myself.

Bolagstyp uppdraget gäller: Enskild firma
Typ av verksamhet: Handel
Omsättning för den verksamhet som ska bokföras: Mindre än 250 tkr
Typ av uppdrag: Eventuellt början på ett längre uppdrag
Krav på lokal bokföringsbyrå: Ja
Svar 2 st
Svar 1
I can help you and will contact you by mail. Best regards Sofia Dahlberg
Svar 2
Hi! My name is Jerry and representing the Accounting Firm KMSG & Co, I will contact you for further information